| BloggersBulletin | | facts | 10 interesting facts about india that you never know. India is the second largest country in population where billions of people live likewise even it has thousands of facts filled with various types like sports, science history etc n etc... In today's blog I'm going to show you 10 interesting facts about india please read it completely it very interesting. 1. A floating post office. India has the largest postal network in the world with over 1, 55,015 post offices. A single post office on an average serves a population of 7,175 people. The floating post office in Dal Lake, Srinagar, was inaugurated in August 2011. the post office also includes a philately museum and a shop that sells postage stamps among other things. These include picture postcards, greeting cards, local souvenir items, stationery and several books on Kashmir. Other services at the post office allow tourists to call and email their friends...